David, Coralie. « Le jeu de rôle sur table : une forme littéraire intercréative de la fiction ? » Sciences du jeu, nᵒ 6 (2016). doi:10.4000/sdj.682.
Dionysian literature (oral, self-rewarding, presentified, intercreated) was crushed by appollonian literature (written, fixed, created by an author and received by a reader with a distinct role). Games, especially role-playing games, are a contemporary revival of performative and intercreative literature :
- more collective and egalitarian
- few clear limits between author and receiver
- less hierarchy made by cultural industries or institutions
- collective reception and creation of the fiction
- immediately experienced, enjoyed, realized, transmitted and shared
Two extracts from others texts :
« We have a lot of ways that allow us to tell stories (novels, movies, video games,...) but most of them need a huge amount of time before arriving to the persons they are designed for. At the opposite, a role-playing game system allows us to express our imagination for hours and immediately see the others reacting to it. » (David, 2015, p. 804)
David, Coralie. « Le jeu de rôle sur table : l’intercréativité de la fiction littéraire ». Thèse de doctorat en Littératures et civilisations comparées, Université Paris 13, 2015.
« The ludic contract establishes the rule of legaliberty, where each of us submit themself to the rules of the game, and doing so, creating the play world. » (Duflo, 1997, p. 221)
Duflo, Colas. Jouer et philosopher. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1997.
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